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What's On This Easter

Visit us over the school Easter holidays, Saturday 29th March - Monday 21st April*, for some cracking good fun across our Family Farm and Historic Gardens! 


What’s on in the Historic Gardens...  

Easter Eggsplorer Egg Hunt & Spring Nature Trail 

Can you hunt down all the Easter eggs hidden across the gardens whilst discovering spring nature facts along the way? Each child will receive an egg hunt activity pack on entry and a yummy sweet treat for completing the trail. 

Price: Included in the regular admission price to the Historic Gardens. Adults £2.95, Children/Concessions £2.25 (under 1s free).   

Don’t forget, we offer free entry for RHS members, and we are currently taking part in the Gardeners' World 2-for-1 gardens entry scheme (RHS member/Gardeners' World 2-for-1 card must be shown on entry). 

Opening Times: 10 am – 4.30 pm daily (last entry 4 pm). 

No pre-booking required, pay on entry.  

Find out more about the Historic Gardens here. 


What’s on at the Family Farm... 

Meet the Wentworth Easter Bunny - Our very own Easter bunny will be making an appearance in the farmyard at 11.45 am each day, so why not hop along and say hi and even get a photo!  

The Wentworth Easter Bunny will also be helping out with our daily egg & spoon race at 1.30 pm so if you’re visiting in the afternoon, they’ll still be an opportunity to say hello. 

Animal Handling Sessions - If you fancy a more hands-on experience with some of our animals, including newly hatched baby chicks, join us at the times below:  

10.30 am - Meet the chicks

11 am – Egg collecting at our chicken coop  

11.30 am – Feed & talk with our Asian palm civet 

12 pm – Meet the rabbits 

1 pm – Meet the chicks 

2 pm – Meet the rabbits 

2.30 pm – Meet the chicks 

3 pm - Meet the rabbits 

Egg & Spoon Race – at 1.30 pm daily, accompanied by the Wentworth Easter Bunny! The Wentworth Easter Bunny will award a chocolate Easter egg prize to each race winner. 

Easter Colouring Competition - Our craft room will be set up and ready for any budding artists to colour in a masterpiece to enter in our daily Easter colouring competition. The Family Farm team will announce a winner each day on their Facebook page so keep your eyes peeled for the chance to win free return entry (for one child) and a free bag of animal food! 

World Civet Day Thursday 4th April - In addition to our Easter activities, the Family Farm will also be celebrating the civet species throughout the school holidays in honour of World Civet Day which is taking place on Thursday 4th April. 

Civets are small cat-like animals native to Asia and Africa and World Civet Day has been set up by the Civet Project Foundation to raise awareness of the species and the threats that they are facing – particularly their exploitation in the production of civet coffee. 

If you’re visiting us over the Easter period, be sure to stop by our Asian palm civet enclosure where we’ll have some civet-themed games and educational resources as well as our usual daily feed & talk, so you can learn more about these wonderful animals and how you can play your part to protect them. 

The feed & talk with Puk, our Asian palm civet, starts at 11.30 am daily. 

Find out more about World Civet Day here. 


Price: All the activities listed above are included in the regular admission price to the Family Farm. Adults £3.95, Children £3.75 (under 1s free).  

Opening Times: 10 am – 4.30 pm daily (last entry 4 pm). 

No pre-booking required, pay on entry.   

Find out more about the Family Farm here.



*Closed Easter Sunday, 20th April.